Practical Resources for the Bioinformatics Neophyte

Dear Bioinformatics Neophyte

If you are familiar with the basics of biology, namely, central dogma, transcription, translation and the genetic code; and you wish to become familiar with the tools and resources in bioinformatics - both theory and practice - but do not know where to start, this article is for you.

Here is a list of websites that will help you get moving on your bioinformatics journey

1. Bioinformatics Virtual Lab - I maintained by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. You can sign in with your Google or Yahoo! account and access their tutorials.
2. Bioinformatics Virtual Lab - II maintained by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. You can sign in with your Google or Yahoo! account and access their tutorials.
3. Bioinformatics Virtual Lab - III maintained by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. You can sign in with your Google or Yahoo! account and access their tutorials.

The above provide theory and practical steps with carefully chosen examples to learn the tools hands-on.

If you would also like to take the plunge into systems biology, then check out

4.Systems Biology Virtual Lab, maintained by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. You can sign in with your Google or Yahoo! account and access their tutorials.

For detailed study of bioinformatics over a period of a few weeks, check out
5. The coursera bioinformatics specialization on coursera
and also
6. Rosalind where you can learn the basics of python and use it to solve bioinformatics problems.

I hope your journey is challenging (and not overwhelming). :)



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